Our commitment to the advancement of dementia care
The CDN builds system capacity and pioneers innovative approaches in implementing an integrated model of dementia care throughout the region. Through information sharing, collaboration, and coordination, the CDN helps member organizations fulfill their roles more effectively and efficiently, make informed decisions, and deliver high quality, evidence-based care. Here are some examples of our work.

Competency Mapping Tool

The Champlain Dementia Network Competency Mapping Tool helps individuals, teams and organizations identify the recommended competencies for their staff to meet the needs of people living with Dementia.
Our aim is to ensure the education and training provided in dementia and dementia-related fields is of high quality and evidence-based. While there is no ‘hard or fast’ rule for who does what, the information will provide insight into the types of functions provided across levels.
Champlain Integrated Model of Dementia Care

The effort to re-frame the experience of people living with dementia and their caregivers in Champlain is ambitious in its reach but realistic in its intent and desperately needed. The scope of change required is significant and will take several years of planning, negotiation, and implementation. Many of the caregivers that were consulted recognize much of the benefit will come to those that follow in their paths. As such, the Project Team has proposed preliminary priorities for development to reflect both feasibility and an understanding of the pre-requisites for change.

The Champlain Dementia Network’s Intergenerational Dementia Program (IDCP) was developed to offer an evidence-informed Dementia Companion Training Certification for high school students. This program addresses ageism and misconceptions related to older adults living with dementia by empowering young people with the knowledge and supports to engage in meaningful companion relationships with older adults.
This initiative was evaluated and documented with the broader goal of spreading this certification and matching approach across the province.
RGPEO Acute Care Dementia Strategy

This work focuses on the experience of patients living with dementia in an acute care hospital setting and the realities of the hospital, including high costs, poor patient experience and poor outcomes for person living with dementia, impact on the PLD and caregiver as well as staff who provide care.
We want to strengthen a system of dementia care that reflects the hospital’s vision, mission and strategic goals: Decrease length of stay, Improve outcomes and person-centered care, Improve staff well-being, Optimize health system resources, Proactive and preventative approach.